The Stoicism Of A Shadow

Even on a beautiful day, waiting can be the most frustrating experience.



7/9/20242 min read

Days ago, I shared some photos on my social media while waiting for the bus. One of them showed my shadow on the wooden shelter at the bus stop, and the others captured various textures I noticed and photographed to pass the time. I knew I could use them later, and today, that moment has come with two of those photos:

The first thing I did was merge the photos using the Darken Only mode, as I knew this would work well. By combining these layers, I achieved harmonious lines and angles from the intersection of the wooden slats of the shelter with the lines of the tiles that converged towards the focal point in one of the photos. The result was visually pleasing.

However, despite the beautiful day when I took those photos, I was waiting for the bus, and waiting is something I dislike. So, I decided to disrupt this visual harmony. The first texture I chose for this purpose was the stone slats texture I used in my work "Gory Selfie," where it served to "slice" my face.

Shadow on bus stop shelter
Shadow on bus stop shelter
bus stop
bus stop
first blend
first blend
stone texture
stone texture

This time, I rotated it 90 degrees to make the lines vertical. The harmony of the lines was successfully broken, even creating the impression of prison bars, which perfectly captured my mood when I have to wait longer than expected.

second blend
second blend

With this done, I used several of my favorite textures to add the final touches, including two moss textures and one of stained metal. With the composition nearly complete, I added a couple of textures to give some grain and cool down the color tones, and it was ready to present as "The Stoicism Of A Shadow."

Texture Attack: The Stoicism Of A Shadow, digital art by Fran de Souza
Texture Attack: The Stoicism Of A Shadow, digital art by Fran de Souza