Green Leaves And A Red T-Shirt

A piece inspired by a serendipitous sighting of contrasting colors



7/6/20242 min read

Well, after several days of inactivity on the blog due to preparing the launch of my vintage paper texture packs, I'm back in action today. I have several completed works that have been waiting for the right moment to be revealed.

The other day, I was trimming some branches from a neighbor's tree that were hanging over the wall and blocking sunlight from reaching my patio. I was tossing them onto an old red t-shirt on the ground, and when I looked at them there, I liked how they looked—which is natural, since I was in front of a complementary color harmony. Once I finished cutting the branches, before discarding them, I selected a few and carefully arranged them on the spread-out t-shirt to take photos for future use.

Later that day, I didn't feel like waiting, and I started working on it. After loading the photos as layers in GIMP, I started exploring my texture folders, and it didn't take long to find the perfect ones for this project.

I chose several textures I had used in other works: one of OBS wood and two of rusted zinc sheets.

To play with the colors and tones of the composition, I also used two textures that I frequently rely on.

green leaves
green leaves
green leaves
green leaves
green leaves
green leaves
OSB wood texture
OSB wood texture
zinc sheet texture
zinc sheet texture
zinc sheet texture
zinc sheet texture
metal texture
metal texture
red wall texture
red wall texture

After some experimentation, I came up with several intriguing results, but these three stood out the most:

Click on the images to enlarge